Saturday, October 26, 2013

I went to the zoo with my family today and saw some cool animals. Here are some pictures of what I saw:

Friday, October 7, 2011

Leaf, Hail, Chiang

I saw this leaf on the ground, and thought it was pretty colorful, so I took a picture of it.


I also saw some hail.

I named it snow, but it was actually hail.

I also saw Chiang doing something Skye would consider silly.

This is 2x normal speed.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Fishing and Lego-ing

While Tacy and Lance were celebrating Lance’s birthday, me and my parents tended Skye. Skye woke up just about when I did – 6:15! We went fishing around 9:30. I only got a picture of the first fish she caught. I tried to get video after that.  If you don’t want to watch all 5 videos, I would suggest at least watching the 4th one.


Here is Skye's 2nd catch:


Skye having fun, sights and sounds

Best movie of them all:

Rainbow trout and tiger (leopard) fish:

Later that day we played with legos.  I don’t remember how this contraption got made, but there are 3 ducks on it.  Skye made 2 of them.



This is my buff guy that I made – that cube of armor was detachable.



Using all the legos


Friday, July 8, 2011

Independence Day Parade

So the parade lasted about 10 minutes…ok, so that was just the beginning – it lasted sooooo freaking long, and there were a few good things in it.  I got a new tie from and so did Lance.  As far as floats go, there were only 2 or 3 in the entire parade.  I took this picture of the one that I liked the most.


And then there was Lance and Skye.

Just something random – my desktop background changed to a picture of Lance and some other guys parachuting – it looks like one of the guys (not sure if it is Lance or not) is an icon on my desktop.  I just thought it was funny.


Friday, July 1, 2011

Deer in the Gerners’ yard in July

100_0405There was a buck in the Gerners’ yard today.  It’s normal when there is snow on the ground, but in the summer it’s pretty rare, I think.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Skye Singing

I was tending Skye and she started singing. This was probably about 3 months ago.

Monday, February 14, 2011


I came home from my run/walk, and saw these 2 dear in my back yard.


Then I saw Chiang in his box.  I was able to get him with his eyes partly showing.


Thursday, February 10, 2011


These are some pictures I took of our cat, Chiang.


Sometimes, he’ll look in the window well through the window to see if I am there. My computer desk is under the well.




Saturday, February 5, 2011

Farmington Bay

My parents and I went out to Farmington Bay earlier today to look at some eagles.  We weren’t able to get really close, but my camera can zoom in a bit.






I saw this ray of sunlight coming through the clouds, and thought it was pretty cool.
